Louisiana Cherokee Choctaw Tribe, Inc. is a legal Tribe. Thanks to the expeditious processing of our registration by the Louisiana Secretary of State, we are now accepting request for membership. This Tribe is based on Christian Principles and formed under Grand Council ruling. There will never be an illigal group to take over this Tribe. We were in consultation with a number of Tribes concerning correct applications and formation of a new Tribe. They all were very helpful and wished their best for our success. The Cherokee of Oklahoma sent us a packet of guidelines for applications along with a Blessing of the Great Spirit as we go forward with our Tribe. It is amazing how the Tribes treat another as brothers and sisters. That is the way true Native Americans recognize each other. I personally witnessed this as I have traveled in every state except Alaska. Our goal is to work and build our Tribe for the future of our youth. We will teach our culture, Crafts of our forefathers and respect for our Elders, Work ethics and fund raising will be part of their programs. We will all work to build a great Lodge House that will include a class room, great room for meetings, office, gift shop, and kitchen. We will set up a college fund and a building fund that any member can inquire about. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we have a good board and experienced volunteers ready to go forward.
NOTE: I, Chief Barbara Doyle Sherman has been off of FACEBOOK for several years. My identity and pictures of my children's family are being used illegally. Do not use FACEBOOK to contact me as I do not go there.
Sincerely, Barbara Doyle Sherman
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You can send postal mail to the Cherokee Choctaw Tribe, inc. at
PO BOX 453,
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